Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Altre scoverte fatte nella luna dal Sigr


 Title: "Altre scoverte fatte nella luna dal Sigr"
 Medium: 6 leaves of pilates: all mounted and hand colored
Size: 57 x 46 cm
Artist: Leopoldo Galluzzo

 This piece displays the firm elements of line, space, and form.  Line is the primary building block to any work of art,  it is well executed in this piece for it keeps proportion and creates form.  The space in this piece shows the depth and also helps maintain proportions.  The forms of the "space craft" and all its travelers all show great movement and excitement. 

   I selected this piece because it depicts an excitement for further knowledge and exploration.  In this hand colored lithograph you see men and women all in a hot air balloon journey to the moon.  In the days of the industrial revolution, humanity wanted to conquer the planets obstacles through man-made machines and science.  In today's world we just sit complacent with all of these advances made by our ancestors.  Is this thirst for knowledge and progress still apparent, or has it reluctantly died off in this overweight, dull, computer world where excitement is just one click away?